God Plans for You to Be Fruitful!

Imagine with me that you are invited to a tree orchard. While strolling through acres of beautiful fruit trees, you can fill your basket with whatever type of fruit you like. Before making your selections, you can look for the perfect texture by touching and examining each piece of fruit as well as smelling them. I am sure it wouldn’t be too hard for you to pick all the delicious fruit you enjoy. You would probably have no problem doing so at all.

So, tell us, what kind of fruit would you be carrying in your basket?

Now consider this. What if in God’s eyes we are a fruit tree and our gifts, talents, and abilities are our fruit. If someone were to walk past you right now, what condition would your tree be in? What would they actually get?

Has your tree been well groomed and pruned to perfection? Has your tree been watered, nurtured, and given the Son light it needs to produce good fruit? Has your tree been tended to on a regular basis or has it been left neglected and dry?

Now initially, God created us as seeds, and He intended for us to be planted in the right type of soil which is required for us to thrive. He also intended for us to grow and become the type of tree we were created to be. Having said that, I may be a different type of tree from you and produce a different type of fruit. Therefore, we cannot compare our growth to each other nor can we compare our fruitfulness.

Every seed (person) will grow in their own unique way. Every tree will fully develop in its own set time and produce its own flavor of fruit. So please do not try to go and duplicate someone else’s fruitfulness because that is not what God has called us to do. He creates complete originals.

Even when our fruitfulness looks similar, it really isn’t. For example, when seen from afar, every orange tree in an orange orchard will look pretty much the same. But when you get up close to them, you will start to notice all the tiny details that makes each tree different from the last. From the roots of the tree to its fruit, there will always be something a little different about each of them.

You will never see apples, peaches, and bananas growing from the same tree. That is not God’s plan. He did not design trees to produce fruit that way and He has not designed us that way either. We must remember that we are each gifted and blessed in certain areas so that we produce a certain fruit for the Kingdom of God.

We must also remember that certain fruit only comes forth during its season. So, therefore, be patient during the process. Some of you may be in your pruning season. During this process, we can be left feeling exposed and not useful. Some of you may feel that your fruit needs to mature more and lack confidence. Today may not be your season to produce fruit, but your season is coming. While you wait, stay in good soil, remain grounded in truth, and stay steadfast and unmovable. Others of you feel your season is now and you are looking forward to the harvest. No matter what season you find yourself in keep going. It is important that you stay planted and keep producing fruit.

Matthew 7:17-18 tells us:

A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. (NLT)

The Bible contains many such passages involving trees and the bearing of fruit. We must stay pure in heart and in character, and we will produce much fruit for the Kingdom.

One thing I have learned on my walk with God is this –trees will only bear fruit and the fruit will only grow when they receive the recommended dose of necessities from their source. Yes, the source matters!

Likewise, in order to grow properly, we must stay connected to our source. We cannot produce any good fruit (or good works) without first being connected to God –our divine source. If we do happen to produce fruit on our own, it may not be the best fruit. It could be under processed, lacking in major nutrients, or it could be damaged and inedible.

Although all of us are planted in the darkness of the soil we are made to grow in, some people grow out of soil that is darker than others. In the same way, some seeds may be planted deeper in the soil. God selects one or both of these options to grow us when He has selected us to produce specific types of fruit. Not everyone is given these types of assignments, but when we are it is for His glory.

I can honestly say that the fruit in my life has come forth due to growth in some harsh places. Yet had I not ever experienced those deep, dark places, I would not be able to help people the way I am able to now. Today, I am very thankful for each part of my journey –the good, the bad, and the ugly. I know for certain that each step in the process made a difference in the type of fruit I bear today. Each moment of fruit production was made possible by withstanding some pruning (trials) and receiving an adequate amount of water (hope) and Son light (Word).

Each and every moment made a difference in my life. And each and every moment in your life is making a difference in the development and production of your fruit too.

I believe God intended for us to get a message –we are put here to serve others. And we as His children, must obey and meet the needs of others. We must put aside any selfishness within us and focus on our true calling, our reason for being here. Production of good fruit is a must.

Someone somewhere is waiting to benefit from the good fruit your tree can bear. Will you be ready in your due season to offer your good fruit to those who need it? Remember, fruit that sits too long goes bad, so be careful not to allow your fruit to go to waste. Be plentiful, presenting what God created you to produce.

And lastly, remember Jesus said in Matthew 9:37-38:

“The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (NLT)

While we pray for God to help us to be fruitful, let’s also pray for a mighty harvest!

Love & Blessings,



Picture of Melody Hansley

Melody Hansley

Melody is the founder of M.O.R.E. – Mothers Overcoming Real-life Experiences. You can follow her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/wearemore2gether/ or on Instagram @moreofmelody

Check out her contribution to this brand-new book: 20 Beautiful Women: 20 More Stories that will Heal Your Soul, Ignite Your Passion, and Inspire Your Divine Purpose – Melody Hansley. Available at amazon.com.

All scripture taken from:

Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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