SSFM Coaching Services

Feel Like You're Walking the Road to Your Dreams Alone?

Why you should consider coaching:

Imagine yourself going on a journey to somewhere you have never been before but have always dreamed of. You are so excited to begin your new adventure that you set off with a seemingly well-rounded plan. However, you soon find yourself getting a little off course and it begins to slow you down. Then you run into problems and distractions you hadn’t planned for. Soon you are so frustrated, you decide to turn back and abandon your dream. Now, imagine if before you left on your journey that you had a guide awaiting you. The guide takes the time to listen to your goals and desires. He or she then partners with you to plot out your course, helping you to consider all the possibilities and potential obstacles beforehand. The guide also helps you expand your vision so that your journey turns into a grand adventure. Not only that, but because of your guide, you are truly able to focus on your destination, you are able to turn obstacles into opportunities, and you reach your destination in half the time you would have on your own! This is the difference coaching can make!!

What about faith-based dreams?

In our efforts to empower everyday women to chase God-sized dreams, we believe leadership coaching is the perfect model in which to add value to women and help them become all God has called them to be. What dream has God placed on your heart? Jeremiah 29:11 states: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” General coaching helps us to realize our personal strengths and faith-based coaching can help us build on the spiritual gift(s) we already have. So, no matter if you are a faithful servant in the local church or feel called to speak and/or write or even want to create your own women’s ministry or other organization, everyone can benefit from leadership coaching.

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.
Romans 12:6-8

Picture of Your Guide: Elaine Lankford

Your Guide: Elaine Lankford

Hi! My name is Elaine Lankford and it would be my honor to come alongside of you and act as your coach. I believe that every woman has a calling and at the center of that calling is a leader waiting to be unearthed. Many of our desires to serve God call for some level of leadership ability. Women have a pivotal role to play in the faith. It is time to fully equip women to carry out their assignments and cheer them on as they step out in faith. Elaine is a certified coach, teacher, trainer, and speaker for the John Maxwell Team.

Leadership is influence –nothing more, nothing less. John Maxwell

What leadership development/coaching products do we offer?

Along with the SHE STEPS FORWARD action plan, SSFM offers the following life & leadership development/coaching methods, which are based on the work of John Maxwell:

When you combine the SHE STEPS FORWARD™ action plan with the top notch leadership training of John Maxwell, the results will be powerful. We want you to succeed and we are willing to do everything within our power to help you do just that!

Here is a look at some of the resources provided within your leadership coaching package!

Ready to Schedule Your Coaching Call? Contact Elaine Today!

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